Juliet Evans
Lockdown was intense. With three young children the responsibility for their emotional and physical wellbeing throughout this very strange time was overwhelming. They demanded my touch, attention, comfort and support constantly. Just like any normal day. But there were no breaks. No breathers.
During lockdown I stuck to routine. Structure was my saviour.
It is exhausting constantly assessing your actions and whether each child has completed enough schooling/received enough affection/engaged in some physcial activity every day.
This sounds monotonous and mechanical, and it was. The relief of leaving lockdown and unpacking these burdens to return to being a more relaxed parent was huge.
Despite these anxieties, my days were full. Children bring colour to your life. Everything is bright. Everything is in your face. Most things are loud. I gratefully lapped up moments of stillness until the giggling, protests and chattering resumed.
My children’s abilities to live completely in the present and take joy from the simplest things in life has been a huge comfort and inspiration during these recent months.
Instagram: @julietegev