Yukhi SAI
Before the epidemic of Coronavirus in Okinawa, I was preparing a two-person exhibition with an illustrator, MIREI. Due to the influence of the coronavirus, we could not go outside and became a so-called lockdown state, and we started exchanging on Instagram. What kind of effect did the exchange have on us as mothers and artists who make works? There is no doubt that it has become a major pillar in shaping the exhibition.
MIREI & YUHKI SAI Exhibition
“Dialogue” ~ Things That Make Your Day ~ November 6th to 15th, 2020
Gallery Shop Renemia
Planning ESM Naoko Uchima, Renemia
Cooperation Titos Spray

Yuhki was introduced to the project via @ruchika_wason_singh, Ffounder of the A.M.M.A.A. - The Archive for Mapping Mother Artists in Asia (www.ammaathearchive.com)