Eve Redmond

Sunrise Walk

I am awake its 6am

No alarm for weeks

I get up to take a pee, lights on, no teenager

A note saying she is going to see the sunrise

Where, who with, I immediately panic

I turn my phone on and she has texted me the same message

I call her, she is calm and mature and says you can check where I am on the app

I say shall I come and meet you

She says no I am on my way back

I hang up and realise she’s nearly gown up, mature before her years

I put the kettle on and wait for her return

I hear her, relieved she’s home safe

It’s not just a corona relief hug

I relax make her some breakfast, a load of white toast and jam

We chat as normal inside I am calm

By Fiona Shirra


Jen McGowan


Jo Revett