Ali McIndoe
A mummy and her tether
(FML Friday)
Tiredness makes me grumpy, hunger makes me worse
(Do I sound less of a witch if I explain this in verse?)
I answer each of you in a way sharp and short
But just put it in the dishwasher – you HAVE been taught!
I know that the tension is etched on my face
But even Mary Frigging Poppins prob’ly got her own space.
The washing needs unloading and there’s no space on the rack,
Don’t leave the game on the floor – put it away – put it back.
While we’re at it, stop dropping crumbs on my floor;
Eating over the plate is easier I’m sure.
And what is the reason for one sock there, one sock here?
The washing basket’s upstairs – I mean, surely that’s clear?!
I love that you to love to read book after book
But there’s space for them back on the shelves if you look…..
And no, I don’t know what’s for lunch, dinner or snack
Will you please just stop asking, before I crack.
You all saying “that’s disgusting” as you sit down to eat?
Is not the welcome my home cooking should meet.
And why is your mouth always open when we eat lunch?
That grates above all – your slurp, chomp and munch.
It just feels relentless, endless, and more
Before we even tackle the home learning chore.
So yes, my muttered expletives become slightly louder
And I hate the fact that I am now more of a shouter.
But lockdown 3 and winter is more than a bit shit
And right now, I hate it. I hate all of it.
Instagram: @mindfulmidlandsmama